D. Program Coordinators/Operational Teams:
Agape International Seminary: Ms. Hieu
Charity and Mission:
Church Planting & Training Ms. David Khiem
Fund Raising: Thu Dong, Vicky Ngo
Email List and Bulletin: Samuel Vinh
Intercessory: (All Nations Houses of Prayer)
Interpretation: Hoang Dung
M.C. & Facilitation: Joshua Duong
Media Coordinator: Christine Nguyen (Websites, Youtube, Videos)
News & Vision TV:
Prayer Team: Le Hien
Supporting Team: Nguyet Tran, Vicky Ngo,
Technical Team: Vinh Truong,
Treasurer: Henry Tran
Worship Team: Hieu
For Program Coordinators:
Kindly be punctual for the event
Kindly share information to the group and members
Encourage members to share information and invite friends to join the event
Kindly follow-up with the process of the ministries or tasks
Do the best of your ministries or tasks.